
Monday, April 16, 2012

One more day at work!

Well surgery is coming up pretty quickly!

Tomorrow is my last day at work before surgery. I've got most things wrapped up for now and have a fully packed day of meetings tomorrow which is probably a good thing to keep my mind busy and not focused on everything I'll need to do when I return!

I've got Addy's hair done in a style that will last hopefully 3-3.5 weeks if I can keep her not doing headstands. I did yarn twists this time which seem to get less fuzzy than a regular style and as a bonus she got some beads added at the bottom.

I'll do JTs hair tomorrow or Wednesday night in finger coils which should last 1-2 weeks.

I've got meals frozen.

House is clean...well as clean as its going to get!

Laundry is done. Clothes are folded into outfits in the kids closets to make mornings easier for hubby.

I think we are just about set! I am starting to get a bit nervous! Not really about the exchange part but about the liposuction part. The exchange shouldn't really hurt too much but lipo....eek! Have you seen what they do on TV! It just looks painful.... I'm hoping I am wrong and it will be a breeze!

I've got a fun Addy-Mommy day on Wednesday with a couple things planned but we will mostly go where the wind takes us! I spent some just Tyty and mama time this weekend so both kids should be all loved up! And plus Meena and Papa will be here this weekend so that will be awesome for them (and me too)!

Please keep me (us) in your thoughts an prayers for speeding healing and no hyperbaric!

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