
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Moving forward a little!

Had a rough night last night with little sleep due to being sore and uncomfortable. My gigantor pillow ( 6 ft U shaped) came ( and was highly recommended on other PBM forums and I think its going to be great once I get a little better pain control at night!

Had hyperbaric this morning and saw plastics this after noon, here are the highlights:
  • Last hyperbaric tomorrow (20 total) but will do 10 more when I have my exchange surgery in the future
  • Can stop wearing the binder (YAY! now just need to find bras that will work with expansion, got one at target before surgery that feels pretty comfortable so will be going back to look for more of the same brand tomorrow)
  • Everyone thinks the incisions look fine and to just let it be and let the scabs come off as they want
  • We wont start filling until the incisions are completely well healed so most likely not for at least another month
  • Plan to fill with 1-2 ounces at a time with a goal of 300 cc's to be able to put in a 250cc implant (a can of soda is 355cc's if that gives you some perspective)
  • See plastics again in two weeks
  • No movement restrictions (just the 10 pound lifting restriction)
  • No good suggestions from them for sleeping. I was kind of dissappointed, he doesn't like to use ambien and I was told it will get better to try different positions/pillows/etc. which I have already been doing so hoping to hit a turn around here soon because I need some sleep!
  • He isn't worried about my skin for the expansion, he said that with the hyperbaric and the healing looking good that it wont be a problem, they will just do the expansion slowly.
  • And I need to drastically increase my animal protein to aid in healing which will be a little difficult. He said at least two burgers a day (or chicken/fish/eggs etc) but wants it to be animal protein. And for those of you who don't know me well, I'm not a big meat eater and am super picky about what meat I will eat! So sloppy Joes for dinner, not insanely healthy but he didn't care if what I ate was healthy as long as it was protein.
So all in all everything is looking better. I'm supposed to start work exactly two weeks from today but need to make quite a bit of progress before then to be able to even go back at 4 hours. Since I have bee doing hyperbaric everyday it wears you out and kind of blows your whole day (drop kids at daycare, do hyperbaric, eat lunch, rest, pick kids up, eat dinner, play, get ready for bed) so not much time for actual healing. So last hyperbaric tomorrow, then my plan is next week to start doing arm stretches to try to get back some range of motion and to sit my laptop at the table and start working on the computer for 15-20 minute intervals to try to increase my sitting on a hard chair/working on a computer endurance, and to start trying to walk longer distances. Right now I get tired really easily and with my job, I have meetings all over the campus so need to be able to walk quite a bit as well. And then at the end of the week we'll see where I am at and if I think I will be able to start work or will need more time or shortened days.

Keep on truckin! Please think happy forward progress for me!


  1. I'm so glad things are moving forward (if slowly). I've been thinking of you and am cheering you on.
